
Changes, new outlook

One of the major things that I have done recently is to go back to my old job. I was working in a place that I was not happy at. I was not miserable there by any means, but I was not happy. TH was my old job, at TH there was more leniency than SOA(my current new/old job) as far as vacation and family time goes. But there was too much drama, and inconsistencies at TH.

It was so weird coming back to SOA. It kind of felt like an out of body experience. Like I was dreaming. I kept thinking, what am I doing here, and why did I chose to do this. But then I started to work, and it was like riding a bicycle, I didn't forget how to do that job. I think the strangest part was that I was not unhappy at TH, I just was not happy. I had a dream on the Sunday before I was supposed to go back to SOA. It went like this:

"It is early morning, I am driving down the road, and when I am supposed to go straight, I turned left. Next nano second I was at TH. There is another girl in my chair, I think, OK this is weird, but I will keep working. I continue working and around 9:00am I realize that I was in the wrong place. Panic sets in. What an idiot they are going to think I am! I rush towards the door thinking why didn't they tell me that I no longer worked there?"

That is all of it that I remember, it was kind of like the dreams I have once in a while about being back in highschool and not remembering where my locker is, or what the combo is, or where my next class is and panicking. But what does this dream mean? Am I wrong to go back to my old job? Deep down inside, did I really want to stay where I was? I don't know. I am fine, and OK at my new/old job. I don't feel like I did the wrong thing. So here I am, plugging away. =)

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