
Blueberry Jelly! Yum!

I went to Hoonah a couple of weekends ago. For those of you who don't know, that is where I grew up. Anyway, while I was there I bought some blueberries (I could have said picked-but honestly-was too lazy to pick). Some ladies over there pick them and sell them. I bought them the night before I came back home. Well, let me tell you, 3 gallon size bags of berries IS a lot! I worked on them for 2 straight days. I had to clean them and soak them. I jarred some of them up, so I could make blueberry waffles or pancakes sometime this winter. I made freezer jam (about as good as it sounds) but really, not so bad. My dad gave me some fresh blueberry juice that he got from boiling his "squished" berries. With that I made blueberry jelly. Which amazingly (not really since I follow recipes to a t!) set to the perfect consistancy. It is really good jam and I don't think it will last very long since I only had enough juice for one batch and 8 jars is not very much when it is something that you really like. Well this has made me want to make more jam. I am contemplating buying a flat of strawberries at Costco and boiling the juice out of them, and making strawberry jelly. Of course this makes me want to make fresh fry bread and loaves of fresh bread. Yum. I think I will make some this weekend. =)

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