
I have been tagged!

I have been tagged, but have no one else to tag! lol

1. Link to the person who tagged you: http://32flavorsandthensome2.blogspot.com/
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

OK, here we go. 6 random things about me.

1. Only fresh in my mind because for the 2nd time this season, I had to do it last night. I sleep with warm fuzzy socks on at night. If my feet are cold, I can't sleep. My whole body feels cold. Once I have my warm fuzzy socks on, my whole body warms up, and I sleep like a baby. =) My feet want to cramp when they are cold, and for some reason they are always cold when I first get into bed. Maybe it is those hardwood floors.

2. I keep journals. Not daily, but randomly. I have journals that date back to when I was 11! When I write in them, I try to update from the last time I wrote (sometimes I go for a year or 2 without writing) Sometimes I go back and read- usually when I am alone. Quality me time. =) I don't know if that really is a good thing though because sometimes I wish for the good ole' days. And then I read something horrible that happened, and am glad that I am in the present day.

3. I spent an entire winter (5 months) in Mexico. I wish I could say that it was the best experience in my life, but it really wasn't. I went down there to meet J's family. 5 months was way to long for my first experience. We stayed with his parents. The entire time we were down there, I was on my own. He was either hunting or working on our house. Wow this one is depressing. On to the next! =)

4. I like to draw cartoons. =) Artistry runs in my family. Mostly native art. I haven't taken any classes, though I would love love love to. I have never drawn native art. I like to stick to the fun stuff. When I was extremely bored (everyday) in Mexico, I was drawing every cartoon I could find. Ran out of things and started drawing Chester Cheetah! You know, the ones on Cheetos chips. They actually turned out to be one of my favorites! =) Here are two of them: (will figure out how to move them side by side later)

5. I have been skydiving! My good friend and I went down to Shelton WA and went skydiving. I have pics, but they are not digital. I will try to scan one in later. It was the most amazing thing in my whole life. I would like to say that I would do it again, but at my age, I don't think that I would. This was 10 almost 11 years ago. Now I think too much about all the possible dangers of everything. When I was free falling down to earth it was like floating in the air. I didn't even feel like I was falling. I felt like I was looking at a huge painting, or panaramic photo. Then he pulled the chute, and whammo! Whiplash. I was ready for it- but not, if that makes sense. I was in pain for about a week. But it was SO worth it. =) Aw heck, I would do it again if given the chance! =) Maybe that is why I went on the stratosphere in Vegas 2 years ago. Fun!

6. I like challenges. I like to be busy all the time. If I am idle I go nuts. Sometimes if I can't think of what to do, I will be like a pathetic puppy, staring out my living room window. My husband promptly pulls me up off the couch, and takes me for a drive, or a hike, or to the shooting range. Lately I have been so busy that I haven't had time to sleep, but I thrive on it. Sometimes I think what in the heck am I doing. But truthfully, this is how I want to live. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have something to do every minute of every day. I guess that i why I read books, because when I am sitting idle, then I have something to keep my mind busy. I don't even know how I find time to do these blogs! =) I like it though, one other thing to keep me busy.

Ok, if any of my friends that follow my blog and have created thier own, you are tagged! =)

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