
Volleyball last fall

So I have been feeling bad lately about not joining a city league volley ball team this year. I had all the best reasons (excuses) for not doing it. I am taking classes, and I need to concentrate on my studies. I don't have time. I am changing my job, so that is stressful enough. I am trying to have a baby, so I don't want to chance injury. I didn't really use that one, but it was in the back of my mind. Well, now I feel bad. I want to play now. Last year we had so much fun. Here is a photo of our team last year:

Yes, we were the division 3 champions. It was so much fun. Our entire team was from Hoonah, so that made it even more fun. I think we a bit too competitive for a division 3 but that is how our team leader wanted it. If I ever play again, it will be for fun. I want to win, but I don't want it to ruin the fun either. I am pretty sure I made it to every game during the season. At first it about killed me. My arms and legs were so sore! But after a couple of games it got to be pretty fun, and not work. We did a rotation of two people, I was one that was rotated out. I didn't mind too much. Sometimes my mind was so full of information from classes that I couldn't get into the games. That is one of the main reasons that I didn't join, but now I am sad that I didn't. It would have been a great stress reliever. =(


32 Flavors said...

I love volleyball. I love being able to hit something with my hands and not have it be illegal. I also loooove tetherball. Same reason.

32 Flavors said...

Oh and I tagged you, check out my latest post.